Disclaimer and Privacy Policy


By using this website, you agree to all disclaimers and terms of use set forth herein. Fields Kupka & Shukurov LLP (“FKS”) retains the right to terminate or block access to this website, without notice, for any conduct that FKS determines violates the terms of use set forth herein or any applicable law.

No Attorney-Client Relationship; No Legal Advice

This website is intended only to describe FKS and its areas of practice. No use of this website (e.g. communications sent to FKS through this website) shall give rise to an attorney-client relationship and the user of this website should not consider any content on this website to invite any attorney-client relationship.

No information set forth on this website is, or is intended to be, legal advice, and the user of this website should not rely on any of the information on this website for any legal purpose. FKS only provides legal advice to clients with whom it has established an attorney-client relationship. FKS expressly disclaims liability concerning or resulting from any user’s action or inaction based on the contents of this website, as well as liability arising from the use or performance of this website. FKS expressly disclaims responsibility for errors on or omissions from this website.

Attorney Advertising

Parts of this website constitute attorney advertising under the New York State Unified Court System Rules of Professional Conduct. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

FKS intends compliance with laws, rules, and regulations governing attorney advertising in all jurisdictions in which FKS maintains offices.

Intellectual Property

The contents of this site are the property of FKS, which maintains a sole and exclusive copyright in this website’s contents. Users may, for exclusively personal and non-commercial reasons, reproduce the contents of this website. Other use of the contents of this website (e.g., retransmitting, distributing, and modifying of copyrighted material) is prohibited absent express, prior, and written consent of FKS.

FKS’s name, logo, and all related marks are service marks of FKS. They are FKS’s exclusive property and may not be used or displayed without express, prior, and written consent. All other trademarks, logos, company and product names, and other intellectual property remain the property of the individuals and entities who own such trademarks, logos, company and product names, and other intellectual property. This content may be used only with the permission of its owner(s).


FKS takes seriously its users’ privacy rights. The policy described herein governs the use of information that FKS collects from users of this website. For the avoidance of ambiguity, this policy applies solely to use of this website and does not control to FKS’s other policies and practices.

Information Submitted by Users through This Website

FKS collects users’ data submitted through the website. FKS will not share this information with any other individual or entity—other than service providers and vendors who assist FKS with the operation of the firm—without the consent of the user who provides such information. FKS does not sell information submitted by users through this website.

FKS reserves the right to use information submitted through this website to communicate with the users who submitted such information.

Usage Data and Cookies

FKS collects information relating to the means through which users access this website. Such information includes, but is not limited to, the types of computers, smartphones, and like devices used to access this website, as well as the type of browser used on such devices. FKS also collections information about users’ access to this website, including but not limited to time and duration of access to this website.

FKS also reserves the right to collect and use “cookies” – i.e., files used to track and identify users that may facilitate use of this website. FKS may also use “web beacons” and like technology to determine how users access this website. If you do not wish FKS to collect cookies, you may disable their use by adjusting your browser settings.

Deletion of Personal Identifying Data

FKS will, upon a user’s request, delete any data FKS maintains pertaining to that user. For more information, please contact us through this website.